White House and Senate Republicans Continue Infrastructure Dance

WASHINGTON, DC – An ongoing debate on both Capitol Hill and at 1600 Pennsylvania is pitting President Biden against Senate Republicans in a battle to define what infrastructure is and what investment needs to be made. Though the latest offer from the White House is a $1.7 trillion package, Senate Republicans led by Shelly Moore Capito (R-WV) have countered with a $928 billion bill.

The two sides seem extremely far apart on the funding side, but according to sources they are both on the same radar for once as Capito says they want over $500 billion allocated to “traditional infrastructure” which includes roads, bridges, and other major projects while setting aside almost $100 billion for public transit.

Democrats, on the other hand, still have a legislative maneuver in the quiver that would allow Congress to approve a plan via budget reconciliation – a much easier but very restrictive plan.

One large area of disagreement however is in how to pay for the plan. Republicans want to use leftover COVID-relief funds for a portion of their plan while Democrats object. The negotiating dance is expected to continue over the next six weeks.
(SOURCE: All Ag News)