Wheat Export Sales Hit 2020 Marketing-Year High

WASHINGTON, DC – It was a big week for agricultural exports according to USDA’s latest Weekly Export Sales Report released on Thursday morning.

For wheat, USDA says export sales of over 28 million bushels hit a marketing-year high with China and Mexico leading the way.

China bought the majority of the 38.6 million bushels of corn sold last week and all 5.3 million bushels of sorghum. Indonesia, Egypt, and Pakistan bought 11.5 million bushels of old crop soybeans, but China purchased more than half of the 28.2 million bushels of new crop sales.

Both cotton sales and exports were disappointing. China made no purchases of old-crop but did make some commitments for new crop.

Vietnam remains a top U.S. customer. South Korea, Mexico, and Japan were the top buyers of U.S. beef while Mexico, China, and Canada led the rush on pork export sales last week.
(SOURCE: Foreign Agricultural Service)