Unique Circumstances Delay Confirmation Hearing of Agriculture Secretary

WASHINGTON, DC – Though President Biden has already selected his nominee for Secretary of Agriculture, Senate approval may take some time. At issue is who can bring the Senate Agriculture Committee to order? Since there now an equal number of Democrats and Republicans in the Senate (50 each), an agreement has to be reached whereby the two parties agree on the leadership of the committees. Had Sen. Pat Roberts (KS-R) not retired, then he could have called a committee hearing to process the nomination of former Agriculture Secretary – and now current nominee – Tom Vilsack to a vote. Since Roberts is no longer in the Senate, the committee has no leadership. On Wednesday, however, the two leaders in the Senate (Chuck Schumer of NY and Mitch McConnell of Kentucky) have agreed to allow the Democrats to lead in the Senate. Now that an agreement is in place, Sen. Debbie Stabenow (MI-D) is set to become Chair of the Senate Ag Committee and has scheduled a confirmation hearing for Vilsack on Tuesday morning (February 2, 2021). He is expected to be confirmed quickly by both the Committee and the Senate at large.
(SOURCE: All Ag News)