U.S. Continues to Block WTO Appellate Body Nominees

GENEVA, SWITZERLAND – The World Trade Organization (WTO) is basically sitting at a standstill, with the United States holding up every possible appointee to the Appellate Body of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB).

Since 2016, the United States has been engaged in an informal block on replacing retiring judges due to systemic concerns with the Appellate Body, which it has explained and raised over the past 16 years and across multiple administrations.

The U.S. continues to press WTO members to undertake fundamental reform if the dispute settlement system is to remain viable and credible, and that the system can and should better support the WTO’s negotiating and monitoring functions.

Earlier this week, speaking on behalf of nearly 75 percent of the members (121 of 164), Mexico once again introduced the group’s proposal to start the selection processes for the appointment of replacement members, with 20 members taking to the floor to reiterate the importance of resolving the impasse.

Transparency in the WTO is also lacking as countries skip reporting obligations and misuse Special and Differential Treatment provisions, thus eroding trust in the trade court.
(SOURCE: All Ag News)