Trade Talks With China and Japan Top Headlines

(WASHINGTON, DC) Trade negotiators from the United States and China have been in communication this week via phone and plan to resume their talks in two weeks. The telephone call involved Chinese Vice Premier Liu He and Commerce Minister Zhong Shan. U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin spoke were on the other end of the conversation. Later in the day, President Trump announced a delay in additional tariffs on some imported Chinese goods including cell phones, laptop computers, video game consoles, certain toys, computer monitors and specified footwear and clothing items. Some other Chinese products are being removed from the tariff lost “based on health, safety, national security, and other factors.” One day later, U.S. and Japanese trade officials completed two-days of talks, agreeing to meet again next week. The two countries are ramping up negotiations on proposed tariff reductions on agricultural and industrial products.