Top Trade Negotiator Provides Glimpse of Administration’s Focus

WASHINGTON, DC – Turning the page on “erratic trade policy” appears to be the main goal for the Biden administration’s trade policy according to U.S. Trade Ambassador Katherine Tai. Testifying before a Senate Finance Committee hearing last Wednesday, Tai said the goal of the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office (USTR) is to pursue smarter policies that expand global market opportunities while enforcing trade standards.

On the topic of enforcement, Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-ID) challenging the trade negotiator to hold Mexico accountable for adopting a host of measures that undermine agricultural rights, including restrictions on biotech crops, glyphosate, and unreasonable food packaging labels.

Tai also answered questions on the status of rejoining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP, now known as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), a deal that was negotiated under the Obama administration but terminated by President Trump four years ago.

In addition, the Ambassador updated members of the Committee regarding negotiations with the United Kingdom (UK), Kenya, and the European Union (EU).

What Tai would not talk about was the pending need to reauthorize Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), which allows negotiators the flexibility to negotiate with trade partners knowing that a final agreement can only be passed or rejected by Congress with no amendments. The last deal negotiated under TPA was the U.S., Mexico, Canada trade agreement, or USMCA.
(SOURCE: All Ag News)