New USDA Tools Used for Meeting Innovation Challenges

WASHINGTON, DC – USDA has released its U.S. Agriculture Innovation Strategy Directional Vision for Research summary and dashboard that will help to guide future research decisions within USDA.

The strategy synthesizes the information USDA collected as part of a public announcement earlier this year engaging the public on research priorities under the Agriculture Innovation Agenda (AIA). The AIA is a Department-wide effort to align USDA’s resources, programs, and research to provide farmers with the tools they need to position American agriculture as a global leader in meeting future food, fiber, fuel, feed, and climate demands.

As part of the AIA, USDA set ambitious goals to increase agricultural production by 40 percent, while cutting the environmental footprint of U.S. agriculture in half by 2050. The AIA is comprised of four main components.

The first component is to develop a U.S. Agriculture Innovation Strategy that aligns and synchronizes public and private-sector research.

The second component is to align the work of our customer-facing agencies and integrate innovative technologies and practices into USDA programs.

The third component is to conduct a review of USDA productivity and conservation data to improve our ability to track progress against our goals.

Finally, USDA set benchmarks to hold us accountable. Learn more at the Agriculture Innovation Agenda page at
(SOURCE: All Ag News)