House Agriculture Leadership Promotes Investments Through Reconciliation Measure

WASHINGTON, DC – While Congressional leaders continue to search for a path forward for President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda, the House Agriculture Committee has outlined how the bill would provide billions of dollars for critical investments in rural and agricultural communities.

If approved, $7.75 billion would be invested for agricultural research and infrastructure; $18 billion for water and renewable energy – including renewable biofuels infrastructure; and $40 billion in forestry programs.

Specifically, there would be a $10 billion investment for rural electric co-ops to transition to renewable energy practices and an additional $2.6 billion for the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP), which provides grants and loans to farmers and small business owners to make energy-efficient improvements for their operations.

The President’s plan, which would be passed using a procedure called Reconciliation – since there appears to be no Republican support in either the House or Senate – would also invest $1 billion to the Biofuels Infrastructure Program and $4 billion for the new Rural Partnership Program.
(SOURCE: All Ag News)