Global Food Insecurity to Fall Below Ten-Percent

(WASHINGTON, DC) Food insecurity is set to fall by more than ten percent over the next ten years according to new data from USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS). In their annual International Food Security Assessment, ERS says those suffering from food insecurity will fall from an estimated 19.3 percent (this year) to 9.2 percent by 2029. In addition, the number of food-insecure people in the four regions will fall from an estimated 728 million to 399 million. While all regions are expected to see improvements in food security, Sub-Saharan Africa is expected to continue to experience the highest rates of food insecurity. Over the next decade, the share of Sub-Saharan Africa’s population that is projected to be food insecure is expected to fall from 35.3 percent to 22.5 percent. Although this improvement is significant, food insecurity in this region would be nearly three times that of any other region by 2029. Conversely, food-insecurity rates for both Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean are expected to fall into single digits by 2029 with the lowest level of the four regions, the rate in North Africa, expected to fall below two percent by 2029.