During Transition Period, Career Staff Will Lead USDA

WASHINGTON, DC – As the Federal government begins a slow transition to a new administration, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue has announced interim staffing to guide USDA through the process.

One of the first items on the Senate’s agenda this month will be to consider President-elect Joe Biden’s nominees, and his selection of Tom Vilsack to head up USDA.

Until then, however, Jason Hafemeister will serve as Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs (TFAA); Daniel Whitley, Acting Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS); Kevin Norton, Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC); Steve Peterson, Acting Administrator, Farm Service Agency (FSA); Richard Flournoy, Acting Administrator, Risk Management Agency (RMA); and Terry Cosby, Acting Chief, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
(SOURCE: All Ag News)