Coronavirus Food Assistance Program

CFAP Applications Continue to Be Accepted by USDA

WASHINGTON, DC – Application signups continue for USDA’s Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) funding even though the initial signup ended last year. Back in March, USDA announced a reopening of program applications. To date, USDA has approved almost 907,000 applications totaling more than $13.6 billion.

California is the top state by payments, receiving $1.226 billion, Iowa is second with $1.158 billion, and Nebraska is third at $850 million. Minnesota at $823 million and Illinois with just over $798 million conclude the top five states by total payments. Rounding out the top ten: Texas ($717 million), Kansas ($663 million), South Dakota ($554 million), Wisconsin ($521 million), and North Dakota ($482 million).

•Iowa, Illinois, and Nebraska are the top three states based on acreage payments.
•Wisconsin, California, and New York are the top three dairy states.
•Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Michigan are the top three for eggs and broilers.
•Iowa, Texas, and Nebraska were tops for livestock payments.
•California collected more than one-third of all sales commodity payments with Florida and Washington a distant second and third.
(SOURCE: All Ag News)