New Insurance Endorsement Available to Dryland Corn Farmers

WASHINGTON, DC – Corn farmers who “split apply” nitrogen will soon have another option for insurance coverage.

According to USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA), producers of non-irrigated corn who choose to make multiple fertilizer applications during the growing season rather than providing all of the crop’s nitrogen requirements with a single treatment before or during planting will be eligible for the Post Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE), providing payments in the event of a projected yield loss.

RMA Acting Administrator Richard Flournoy explains that “split application” of nitrogen can lead to lower input costs as well as helping prevent runoff or leaching of nutrients into waterways and groundwater.

Flournoy agrees that PACE just builds upon RMA’s efforts to encourage the expanded use of conservation practices, including cover crops, and the sales closing date for the endorsement will not change from the year’s past.
(SOURCE: All Ag News)