Americans Increasing Daily Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables

KANSAS CITY, MO – Are Americans eating any healthier today than we were 50 years ago?

You’re probably not surprised to hear that the average American is eating more fruits and vegetables than they did in 1970, but according to the Economic Research Service (ERS), we’re still falling short of the recommendations under the federal Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Though the guidelines call for 2.5 cups of vegetables daily, most Americans consume just under 2 cups, or 76 percent of the recommended daily allowance – an increase from 63 percent in 1970.

For fruits, most Americans can manage only 41 percent of the suggested 2 cups on a daily basis.

Areas, where we exceed the dietary guidelines, include the daily consumption of meat, eggs, grains, and nuts.

Ironically, daily dairy consumption is not only 50 percent below the current guidelines (1.5 cups of recommended 3 cups), it’s also a decrease from our average consumption in 1970 (1.6 cups).
(SOURCE: All Ag News)