Australian Grain Crops Big, But Smaller than 2020

CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA – After suffering through years of drought, Australia is looking at another big production year for grain production on the heels of bumper crops just one year earlier.

According to the Foreign Agriculture Service, wheat production is forecast at 27 million metric tons and barley production at 10 million metric tons. Though very big crops, FAS says the crops in this marketing year are lower than the huge crops in the previous year.

“Although overall grain area is expected to be large, yields are forecast to fall to more typical levels from last year’s record barley, and near record wheat, yields.”

Both wheat and barley exports are expected to decline this year from the historically high volumes of 2020.

Sorghum production is also forecast to decline slightly after a strong rebound last season and Australia is expected to become a net exporter of rice again this year, on a major increase in domestic production in 2021.
(SOURCE: All Ag News)