Precision Ag Technology Providing Path to Farmer Profitability

LAKELAND, FL – The future of precision ag technology is here and offering a wealth of ag data according to a recent report from AgAmerica Lending. As the industry continues to adapt and evolve, there is no question that the future of agriculture lies within the technology created to support it. The group offers three ways precision ag tech is helping farmers prepare for the future. First is technology developed more than 25 years ago: GPS and yield mapping tools. Experts believe that agricultural drones, working with other agricultural devices like crop sensors, will be able to assess crop damage, identify disease and stress, and give yield estimates. Second is smart cloud computing software that will help farmers are able to gain valuable insights into data analytics and make data-backed decisions for their operations. Finally, artificial intelligence and robotics will allow for automation in farming, livestock, and dairy sectors leading to a decline in waste, and reducing the demand for additional physical labor in many operations.
(SOURCE: All Ag News)