USDA Cattle Numbers Show Small Increase in Feeding

WASHINGTON, DC – USDA’s final Cattle on Feed Report for 2020, released Friday, lacked much drama as all the projections of the domestic cow herd fell in line with analyst projections.

According to the government, there was 12 million head of cattle in feedlots as of December 1, just slightly higher than the same time last year.

Placements, which represent cattle coming off pasture and into feedlots for finishing, fell 9 percent year-over-year possibly due to an earlier run on feedlots as producers dealing with drought started culling herds about three months early.

It’s also a sign of negative returns for cattle feeders who have struggled for the greater part of five years to find real profitability as the middleman in the supply chain.

Marketings were also below the same time last year, off 2 percent for November 2020.

USDA also reported fewer head disappearing from the count, just 61 thousand during November which represents a 6 percent decline.
(SOURCE: All Ag News)